My bookings

Manage your reservations from the site: Reservation details, credit card details, cancellation request, no-show declaration, etc.

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Booking modification

Click on « My bookings » You can make a modification for a reservation by clicking on « Modification of the reservation (…) » . Fill in the form: New date of stay, Room and price line, new rate of stay per room, occupants… Once the request has been accepted, both you and the customer…

Bookings Summary

Click on « My bookings » This tab allows you to view and manage your bookings from the Booking Website or Booking Button. To make your research easier click on « More filters » then click on « Save ».        For more informations about the reservations  click on « See the Details ». Download help :…

Cancellation requests

Click on « My bookings » You can report a cancellation request of a reservation by clicking on « Cancellation request (…) » . You can also report a no-show with or without fees. It is necessary to specify the reason for the request (Invalid credit card, Cancellation requested by the client….) so that your…

Add a booking

Click on « My bookings » You can add a reservation that is not from the “Rate match”. It will not be subject to commission. This option allows you to view all of the day’s arrivals or departures on a single platform. Click on « Add a booking »  . Fill in the form then…

Report as a no-show

Click on « My bookings » You can report a no-show within a maximum delay of 48 hours after the customer’s arrival date by clicking on « Report as a no-show (…)» . You can report a no-show with or without fees. The customer will receive a secure email asking him to confirm his no-show. If the client confirms…

Credit cards details

Click on « My bookings » You can check the credit card details provided by the customer, at the time of the booking or when making a change request, up to 3 times and up to 5 days after the customer’s departure date. In case of a cancellation, the credit card details can be viewed…

Invalid credit card

Click on « My bookings » You can report the customer’s credit card as Invalid by clicking on « Invalid credit card(…) » . The customer will receive a secure e-mail allowing him to change his card details in complete security within 24 hours. Once the card has been changed you will receive a notification…