My Rooms

Update the information about your accommodations.

Update content

Click on « My rooms » The rooms informations were imported during the generation of your website. If the information is incorrect, you can update it by correcting it on your OTA. Once the modifications have been made on your OTA, click on « See more » . Select the information to update or check…

Description’s customization

Click on « My rooms » You can customize the description of the accommodation. Click on « See more » . Click on « Customize your description » . You can translate into the different languages by clicking on the flag . Once the modifications are complete, click on « Confirm » or on to…

Check the rooms updates

Click on « My rooms » You have changed the name of a room, deleted or added one or more accommodations on your OTA, you can update your website quickly: Click on « Check rooms updates ». A window opens allowing you to compare the current information with that detected in real time at your…