Report as a no-show

Click on « My bookings »

You can report a no-show within a maximum delay of 48 hours after the customer’s arrival date by clicking on « Report as a no-show (…)» .

You can report a no-show with or without fees.

The customer will receive a secure email asking him to confirm his no-show.

If the client confirms the no-show, the reservation will be cancelled. You and the guest will receive a confirmation of the cancellation including the charges applied as specified on the confirmation of the reservation or free of charge (depending on the option chosen at the time of the no-show declaration).

If the guest confirmed having stayed at your establishment. An email will notify the hotel that the reservation is remained as “Confirmed”.

If the guest does not reply to the email received within 48 hours, the reservation will be cancelled. You and the guest will receive a confirmation of the cancellation including the charges applied as specified on the confirmation of the reservation or free of charge (depending on the option chosen at the time of the no-show declaration).

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