Establishment info

Establishment presentation

Go to « My info » , click on « Infos establishment » The welcoming text had been imported durning the creation of the website. If the text is incorrect, you can update it by changing it from your OTA’s. Once it’s done, click on « Update content » . A tab will open making you…


Go to « My info » , click on « Infos establishment » Set up the informations that will be visible at « Contact » in your website. Booking confirmations will be sent to the email address(es) entered. To edit the informations click on , to cancel the operation click on   . Once the informations are in,…

Logo & Favicon

Go to « My info » , click on « Infos establishment » Logo : Insert the Logo of your establishment. Click on « Add a Logo » to chose your file. You can change the logo at any time by clicking on « Edit your logo ». Logo size must be 150 x 150…

General informations

Go to « My info » , click on « Establishment infos » It includes address, map and photos imported while creating your website. If the informations are incorrect, you can update the content by correcting them on your OTA. Once you have made the changes, click on « Update content » . A tab will apppear making…