Image Library

The library gathers all the images present on your site. They are classified by gallery. There are several galleries: the welcome gallery and one
gallery per room. You can modify them, add photos and delete them.

Add a pop-up

click on « Image Library » You can display a personalized pop-up when opening your website to inform visitors about a particular event. Click on « Add a pop-up » . Select one or more photos by clicking on . The selected photos will appear, to confirm them click on « upload », to cancel the operation…

View all the photos uploaded

click on « Image Library » To view all the photos uploaded for your website, click on « view image library ». The photos are classified by categories: Rooms, Welcome Gallery, Logo, Services, Service Groups… You can permanently delete a photo by clicking on   and then confirm the deletion by clicking on « OK» ….

Add a picture

click on « Image Library » Click on « Add a picture ». The minimum size is 1500 x 770 pixels in landscape format. Photos must be saved in web format and not exceed the weight of 2MB. Select one or more photos by clicking on .  You will see the selected photos. Click on…

Edit the gallery

Click on « Image Library » Click on « Edit the gallery ». You will see the images in the selected gallery and those related to the same category but not selected. chose the order in which the images are displayed in the website’s gallery: Use the mouse to enter the move icon, located in the…