Invalid credit card

Click on « My bookings »

You can report the customer’s credit card as Invalid by clicking on « Invalid credit card(…) » .

The customer will receive a secure e-mail allowing him to change his card details in complete security within 24 hours. Once the card has been changed you will receive a notification of the modification. You can consult the new card by clicking on « credit card details » .

If the customer does not change the card details you can either renew the operation or make a cancellation request by clicking on « Cancellation request(…) » specifying the reason for the request (e.g. Invalid credit card).

Concerning last-minute bookings, i.e. those received no more than 1 day before the date of arrival, the customer must reply to the email requesting a new card within a maximum of 2 hours.

If the customer does not change his/her card, you have the possibility to cancel the reservation by clicking on « Cancel Reservation ».

You and the customer will receive a confirmation of the cancellation of the reservation.

In both cases, if no action is taken after the credit card change request, the reservation remains confirmed.

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