Customized services

Go to « My services » , click on « Customized services » .

Highlight the services offered by your establishment .


To add a service click on « Add service » .

Fill in the form.

  • Enter the title (Name of the restaurant, Massage….). Make the translation at least in French and English. To change the language click on .
  • Select the type of service:
  • Enter the description of your service. Short but explicit description. Translate at least into French and English. To change the language click on .
  • Upload the photo(s) of your service (max 4) by clicking on ” Add photo “. The size of the image must be 1500 pixels x 770 pixels.
  • « Service price » : Tick either: « Service price », « Service offered », « Free service », Services included », « Price on request »,  «Undisclosed details ».

If you tick « Service price »:

« Per unit » : Choose between ” From “, ” Per unit ” (price per unit), ” Per stay “, ” Don’t specify “.

« Number of persons » : Select the number of people included in the price.

«Rates » : Enter the price of the service in the currency of your establishment.

  • « Download the card» : Allows you to download a document(s) (Max 3) such as a restaurant menu, spa treatments, etc…

Click on  « Add a file » to select the document. Click on « Save » .

You can view the saved services by clicking on « List of services ».

You can modify the service at any time by clicking or delete it by clicking .

          b/Services group :

Once the services are created, you must create Service Groups and affiliate each service to a Service Group.

If a service is affiliated to 2 service groups, it will be displayed twice on the website.

  • To add a service group click on « Add a services group » .
  • Fill in the form .

  • Enter the title (Name of the restaurant, Massage….). Make the translation at least in French and English. To change the language click on .
  • Upload the photo of your service by clicking on ” Add photo “. The size of the image must be 1500 pixels x 770 pixels .
  • Tick the services affiliated to this group of services.

Click on « Save » .

You can change the order of the services. With the mouse, select the move icon, and then drag and drop the service to the desired location.

You can change the service group at any time by clicking or delete it by clicking  .

You can also change the order of the service groups.  Select the move icon with the mouse and drag and drop the service group to the desired location.

Click on « Save order » .

Don’t forget to validate your modifications by clicking on « Update website ».

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