Add a pop-up

click on « Image Library »

You can display a personalized pop-up when opening your website to inform visitors about a particular event.

  • Click on « Add a pop-up » .
  • Select one or more photos by clicking on .
  • The selected photos will appear, to confirm them click on « upload », to cancel the operation click on « Delete » for each photo.

You can decide to « Upload all photos » or « Remove all photos  » .

For the operation to be validated, the status must be “Ok” for each photo. In this case, the photo is automatically added to the gallery.

  • Click « Back » to be redirected to the Image Library.

The pop-up gallery is created. You can as for the other gallery, Add New pop-up by clicking on « Add Picture » , or « Edit gallery »                      .

You can also permanently delete a pop-up by going to « view image library ».

To keep the changes, don’t forget to click on «Update website».

Download help : IMAGE LIBRARY


Booking conditions
Editing the informations of Google My Business
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