Booking conditions

Go to « Price Manager » , click on « Booking conditions »

The first step in offering your customers different prices than those detected by the HI comparator, is to set up your own booking conditions.

You can set up the same room conditions to those offered by your distributors or set up different ones.

  • Click on « Add a booking condition » .
  • Select the booking condition to be set up: Non-refundable, Free cancellation, Conditional cancellation (Cancellation possible under certain conditions)

                    Non-refundable: By default, there is a prepayment of 100% of the total amount of the reservation and a no-show fee of 100% of the total amount of the reservation.

You can change the prices and check “From the amount of the first night” or “From the total amount of the reservation”.

  • Click on « Save » .


                    Free Cancellation: By default, no prepayment is required and no no-show fee is charged.

To change the setting, fill in the blank of  “Prepayment” and/or “No show at the hotel”, Enter the price and choose between “The amount of the first night” or “The total amount of the reservation”.

  • Click on « Save » .

                    Conditional cancellation: this condition is also called “flexible condition”. Cancellation is subject to certain conditions.

Example: Free cancellation up to 15 days before the arrival date.

If the cancellation takes place between the 8th and 15th preceding the date of arrival, the cancellation fees is 100% of the total amount of the first night.

If the cancellation takes place within 7 days of the arrival date, the cancellation fees is 100% of the total reservation amount.

No prepayment needed.

The no-show fees is 100% of the total amount of the reservation.

When you select this condition, a form appears:

The first interval begins on the arrival day. Enter the number of days and the cancellation fees.

In our example

  • If the reservation is cancelled between the arrival date and 7 days, the cancellation fees is 100% of the total amount of the reservation.

Enter ” 7 “    then enter ” 100 ” Fill in  .

  • If the cancellation is made between the 8th and the 15th before the arrival date, the cancellation fees is 100% of the total amount of the first night

Click on « +Add » to display a new interval.

Enter ” 15 “   then enter ” 100 “ Fill in .

  • If the reservation is canceled 16 days before the arrival date, the cancellation is free.

Fill in just the cancellation fees.  If no charge is requested enter “0”.

You can add more intervals by clicking on « +Add » or delete intervals by clicking on  .

  • No prepayment needed

If no prepayment is needed at the time of the booking, do not fill in the prepayment box.

Otherwise, fill in  “Prepayment”, enter the rate and choose between “Of the amount of the first night” or “Of the total amount of the reservation”.

  • The no-show fees is 100% of the total amount of the reservation.

Fill in “No show fees”, Enter the rate “100” then fill in  .

If no no-show fees is applicable do not check the box

  • Click on « Save » .

You can change or delete a booking condition at any time.

In case of a deletion, pay attention to first edit the rate lines using this condition.

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