Stripe Payment Method

Go to « My info » , click on « Payment Method »

To propose to your customers to pay their reservations via Stripe, you must enter the requested informations.

  1. Log in to your Stripe account
  2. Click on “Developers” then on “API keys”.
  3. Copy “Publishable key” and enter the code into your extranet at “API Keys – Standard keys – Publishable key”
  4. Click on “Reveal the test key” and chose  “secret key” option. Copy the secret key and insert the code into your extranet at “API keys – Satandard keys – Secret key”.

    5.Click on “Webhooks”

    6.Click on “Add endpoint” .

    7.Enter the Endpoint URL :

       Select in “Events to send” “payment_intent.succeeded “.

    8.Click on “Add endpoint”

    9.Click on « Signing secret » then chose « Click to reveal » option. Copy the key and enter the code into your Extranet at « Webhooks-Secret Key ».

   10. Click on « Save » then on « Update website »  .

Download help : Stripe Payment Method



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