Paypal payment method

Go to « My info » , click on « payment method »

To propose to your customers to pay their reservation via Paypal, you must enter the requested information.

  1. Log in to your Paypal account.
  2. Open the link: on a new page.
  3. Go to «My Account ».
  4. Click on « My Apps & Credentials ».
  5. Choose « Live » and click on « Create App ».                              
  6. Enter a name (e.g. “Official website”) and click on « Create App ».
  7. Copy “Client ID” and insert the code into your extranet at « Paypal Client ID ».   
  8. Click on “Show” below “Secret”, copy the code into your extranet at « Paypal Secret ».
  9. Cliquer Click on « Save » then on « Update website» .

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