Check the rooms updates

Click on « My rooms »

You have changed the name of a room, deleted or added one or more accommodations on your OTA, you can update your website quickly:

  • Click on « Check rooms updates ».

A window opens allowing you to compare the current information with that detected in real time at your distributor.

If no modification was detected “Equivalent”, no action is needed.

If one or more are detected, the following buttons may appear:

« Update »: If the room name is different

« Delete »: If accommodation no longer exists on your distributor

« Import »: If a new room is detected

By clicking on:

  • « Update »: you view the different characteristics of the accommodation and can update only the modified information.

Be careful not to check “Select photos” if you have added or modified the images in “Image library”.

  • « Delete » : the room will be permanently deleted and will therefore no longer be visible on the website. Click on OK to confirm the deletion.
  • « Import »: A new room will be created on the website according to the information detected and will therefore be bookable. Click on Ok to confirm the accommodation’s creation.

Do not forget to validate your modifications by clicking on « Update website » .

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