Going online

Once the website has been validated by the hotel owner and the information entered in the back office, the “Booking Website” can go live.

2 solutions are possible:

  • Modification by the hotel of the IP address of the Web server Type A.
  • Provide us the domain name access.

1.IP address modification

The hotel makes or asks the person who manages their domain name to make the following modification.

  • From the Dashboard management of your domain name
  • Add a type A record (if it does not exist) or modify if it already exists and set the IP address above
  •  Once the modification has been made, notify the implementation team to finalise the procedure.

2.Domain name access

  • Ask the hotel for the domain name access, i.e. the login and password of their provider (OVH, Godaddy…).
  • Send them to the implementation team.
  • We will carry out the necessary checks and modifications to be able to put the site online. It is possible in some cases that the hotel may need to activate some specific functionalities such as DNS zones.

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