Establishment’s taxes

Go to « My info » , click on « Establishment’s taxes »

Set up the taxes that are included and excluded from your establishment according to the rules in force where your establishment is located.

Example: 10% VAT per stay included in the price, Tourist tax € 1 per person and per night excluded from the price, service charge 2% per night excluded from the price applicable only to the Classic Suite…

If you have no applicable tax, make sure to set up the following settings:

Click on « Add » and click on “Type of tax” and chose “No tax”. Then click on « Save » .

          a.« By default » taxes

The first setting is that of the so-called “By default” taxes. If all the taxes are the same for all your distributors, it will not be necessary to make different settings.

Click on « Add » to configure a tax.

  1. Select the type of the tax:
  2. Select whether the tax is due per stay, per night, per person or per person per night:
  3. Fill in either:
  4. Fill in either:
  5. Enter the amount of the tax and make sure to fill in either % or the currency of your establishment for a specific amount.

If the tax is different according to the category of the room, fill in the room (s), Enter the amount of the tax and fill in either % or the currency of your establishment for a spicific amount.

      6.You can set up several taxes by clicking on « Add » .

Once you’re done setting up all your taxes, click on « Save » .

Once your taxes are saved. The “By default” tab has a green sign. You are allowed to set up the taxes applied at your diffrent distributors including the “Official website” (if you have enterd the prices manually). This operation is only necessary when the taxes are different.

          b. Different taxes between distributors

it is possible that you have different taxes for each one of your distributors, or you are not applying any tax for a particular OTA.

In this case, you must re-enter all taxes and not just the additional ones.

  1. Click on the distributor concerned:

        2.Click on « Add » to set up a tax.

In order to make your work easier, the taxes that are set “By Default” are already displayed. You just need to edit them or add a new tax by clicking on « Add » .

If a tax does not exist for its distributor click on  to delete it and make sure to confirm it.

Once you’re done editing the taxes click on « Save ».

Repeat the operation for each distributor with its taxes that are created by « Default»  level.

Download help : Establishment’s Taxes


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