Establishment presentation

Go to « My info » , click on « Infos establishment »

The welcoming text had been imported durning the creation of the website. If the text is incorrect, you can update it by changing it from your OTA’s.

Once it’s done, click on « Update content » .

A tab will open making you able to compare the old imformations and the new ones detected in real time.

You can see the detected informations in different languages by clicking on the flag .

If the informations are correct, click on  « Confirm » or on   to cancel the opperation. Then click on « Save changes ».

You can also customize your description by clicking on   « Customize your description » .

To edit the informations in other languages click on the flag .

If the informations are ccorrect, click on « Confirm »  or  to cancel the operation. Then click on « Save Changes » .

Don’t forget to validate your modifications by clicking on « Update website » .

Download help : Establishment presentation





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