Promotional code

Go to « My promotions » , click on « Promotional code »

Create one or more promotional codes, public or private for different periods.

If you create a “public” code, a pop-up will appear when the site opens to inform the visitor of the proposed offer.

On the other hand, if you create a “private” code, it is up to you to communicate the promotional code to your customers.

  1. Click on « Add promotional code » .
  2. Enter the promotional code or click on  to generate a code automatically.
  3. Select the reservation period. That is the period of validity of the promotional code.
  4. Activate or deactivate the promotional code by checking “Yes” or “No”.
  5. Select the category of the code by checking “Public” or “Private”.
  6. Enter the number of uses of the code.
  7. Enter the discount %.
  8. Select the period of stay for which the code is activated .The period of stay may be different from the reservation period. Ex: Promotional code – 15% for any reservation that takes place between March 15 to May 15 for a stay between July 1 and July 31. You can select different periods by clicking on  .
  9. Select the room (s) concerned by the promotional code.
  10. Select the photo to insert in the pop-up (in the case of a public promotional code) or check “no” to display a pop-up without a photo.
  11. Click on then on « Save » then on « Update website » .
  12. You can modify or delete  the promotional code at any time.

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