Automatic email sending

Go to « My info » , click on « Automatic email sending »

Communicate with your customers by setting up automatic emails: the day of the reservation, x day before the arrival date, the day of arrival, x day before the departure date or x day after the departure date.

  • Click on « Add automatic mail » .
  • Enter the title of the email: The title allows you to set up different E-mails. It will not be visible to your customers. Ex: Mail 1 day before the arrival date.
  • Enter when the automatic email will be sent :

  • Enter the number of days.

If you want to send an email on the arrival day or on the departure day, select “After the arrival date” or “After the departure date” and enter 0 as “Number of days”.

  • Able or Disable the time of the E-mail sending. If you don’t set a specific sending time, the email will be sent at 00:00 by default.

  • Select the language by clicking on . Translate at least in French and English. The email will be sent in the language chosen by the customer when booking. If a language is not set, the E-mail will be sent to the client in English by default.
  • Enter the subject of the email.
  • Enter the body of the mail.
  • View your email by clicking on « View your email ».
  • Able or Disable the sending of the E-mail .
  • Click on « Save ».

Do not forget to validate your changes by clicking on « Update website » .

You can « Edit » or « Delete » an automatic e-mail at any time.

Sending is suspended when a reservation is cancelled.

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