Edit the gallery

Click on « Image Library »

Click on « Edit the gallery ». You will see the images in the selected gallery and those related to the same category but not selected.

  • chose the order in which the images are displayed in the website’s gallery: Use the mouse to enter the move icon, located in the image. Drag and drop the image to the desired location.
  • Delete a photo from the gallery: Click on . The image will not be permanently deleted but added to “Image not found in the gallery”.
  • Add a photo that has already been uploaded: Click on a photo in “Image not found in the gallery”. It will automatically be added to your gallery.

To delete the changes click on « Cancel » , to save them click on  « Save Changes » .

  • Click on «Back» to be redirected to the Image Library.

Don’t forget to save your edits by clicking on «Update website» .

Download help : IMAGE LIBRARY


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