Open / Close rooms

Go to « Price Manager » , click on « Open / Close rooms »

From this page, you will be able to manage the stock of rooms offered for sale.

You will also be able to “Open” or “Close” certain accommodations or certain rate lines for certain accommodations.

You can also put restrictions on arrival or departure (ex: no arrival and / or no departure on January 1st).

  • Select the period. You can add more than one period by clicking on « + Add » . To delete a period click on .


  • Enter the number of rooms / rate lines available for sale
  • Check the action to perform

  • Select the room(s) and rate lines concerned .
  • Click on « Save » .

Repeat the operation for each room and rate line.

Download help : Open / Close rooms

Booking modification
Guarantee by credit card (obligatory / optional)
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