
Go to « My promotions » , click on « Promotions »

As a reminder, your booking engine is equipped with a real time price comparator. It detects the prices applied by your distributors including the various promotions active on their platforms.

This tab allows you to give a competitive advantage to your website and increase your conversion rate.

The discounts you creat will be applied to the prices detected by the comparator.

To add a promotion click on  « Add new promotion » .

The types of promotions that can be created are :

  • « Exclusive promotion » : This promotion is automatically added to all the other promotions that you set up on the system.

Ex: Exclusive promotion 10% + Last minute 15%.

  • « Special offer» : Standard offer: Can be combined with “Exclusive promotion” but not with other types of promotion.

If you set up several types of promotion (Last Minute, Early Booking, 24 hours deal), the most interesting one will be taken into account.

  • « Early booking» : The customer must book x hours, x days or x months in advance to benefit from this promotion.

Can be cumulated with “Exclusive promotion” but not with the other types of promotion.

If you set up several types of promotion (Last Minute, Special offer, 24 hours deal), the most interesting one will be taken into account.

  • « Last minute » : The offer is only available x months, x days or x hours before the arrival date.

Can be cumulated with “Exclusive promotion” but not with any other type of promotion.

If you set up several types of promotion (Early booking, Special offer, 24 hours deal), the most interesting one will be taken into account.

  • « 24 hours deal » : The offer is only available for sale for 24 hours.

Can be combined with “Exclusive promotion” but not with the other types of promotion.

If you set up several types of promotion (Early booking, Special offer, Last minute), the most interesting one will be taken into account.

The general settings are the same for all offers.

  • Fill in  the type of promotion
  • Select “Enable” to activate the promotion or “Disable” to deactivate it.
  • Fill in “Yes” or “No” for a pop-up too appear when opening your website to show the details of your offers.f
  • Fill in which one the offer applies to it (it is possible to have several solutions activated on Hotel Intelligence)
  • Fill in the blank of which OTA the offer will be applied to.
  • Enter the % discount.
  • Select the countries you want that the discount will apply to.  .

Then Click on « select all » so all countries would benifit from the discount.

  • Select the support on which the promotion should be displayed: PC, Tablet, Mobile or all
  • Enter the minimum number of nights required to benefit from this offer.
  • Enter the lower price per night that the offer can not be applied to.

Ex : If the price entered is 50 €, the offer will not be applied (if the price detected by the comparator is) – (if the discount makes the price lower than) 50 €.

  • If the promotion should not be applied for certain periods click on « Add restrictions » . Then select the period.

You can add multiple restriction periods.

  • Select the period of validity of the promotion.
  • Select the nights when the promotion is available (all days, only on weekdays, only on weekends)

  • Select the room (s) in which the promotion should apply.
  • Select the Condition(s) that the promotion should apply to. Then, select the rate Line(s) that the promotion will be applied to .
  • Click on « Save »  .

Additional settings are required for :

Early Booking : Specify how far in advance the offer can be booked.

Last minute : Specify when the offer can be booked.

24 hours deal: Specify when the customer can benefit from the offer. The offer will only be visible from 00:01 to 23:59 on the chosen date.

You can change or delete the offers any time by clicking on « Edit » or « Remove ».

Don’t forget to validate your modifications by clicking on « Update website » .

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